Dear Parents
“Top of the Coding World”
An amazing achievement by our Grade 6 and 7 learners! We are super proud to able to say that our five Grade 7 learners… Mayil Singh, Nompilo Mchunu, Leah Tondo, Moosa Seedat and Ayden Scott took first place in the circuit from the 18 schools that participated. Morningside was declared as “The Best” at the Mandela Day Coding Competition. Our Grade 6’s took the 3rd place spot in their category.Congratulations to Miss Vengetsamy who worked tirelessly with the team in the afternoons and to Mr Singh who also supervised the amazingly successful teams.
Sports Day Change of Date:
The World Robotics Olympiad is usually held on just a Saturday in August, however, this year it has been changed to a two-day competition. Seven of our Grade 7 learners will be competing in this challenge. They have been preparing for months with Mr Singh and with the DPHS Outreach Programme. We have received news that this year the competition will begin on Friday, the 2nd of August instead of just being on Saturday, the 3rd. We cannot expect that seven of our Grade 7’s miss out on their last Sports Day. We have therefore, come to the following decision.
Grade 4 to 7 Sports Day will now be held on Thursday, 8 August 2024.
Grade 1 to 3 Sports Day will now be held on Friday, 2 August 2024.
Photograph Day:
A reminder that Photograph Day is on Tuesday. Please ensure that all learners are dressed in normal school uniform. Black school pants and white-collar Morningside shirts for boys and our red and white checked dresses for girls. Please ensure that school socks are worn and shoes are polished. If children are feeling very cold in the morning, they may wear their tracksuits for the morning but must carry their normal school attire to change into for the photograph. Please ensure that children wear their name badges as well.
All class photos and individual photos will be done on Tuesday, 23 July 2024.
Sports photos will be taken on Wednesday, 24 July 2024. Please carry your swimming kit, cap and towel for the swimming photo. Please carry your soccer boots for the soccer photo and please carry your Morningside match shirts and P.E shorts and skorts for other sport photos. Those learners who are in cultural photos such as choir, debating, chess or Spelling Bee need to be in normal school attire as stated for class photos on Tuesday.
Olympic Friendship Torch Run:
On Friday, 26 July 2024 we will be hosting the 20th Anniversary Schools’ Olympic Friendship Relay. This exciting event only takes place once every four years on the opening day of the Olympic Games. This is our very own event which was coordinated for many years by Mrs E. Neville.
On the 26th of July 2024, we intend to re-ignite this old flame and take to our community streets with a lighted torch. On Friday at 08:00, the torch will be lit at Sherwood Primary School and their athletes will begin the first leg of the torch relay. The torch will be handed over between 14 schools over a course of 27.5km before reaching Morningside Primary for the final leg of the event. As hosts and organisers of the event, the closing ceremony will be held at Morningside Primary at approximately 12:00.
We ask that all learners come dressed in their P.E kit on the day, except Grade 6’s who will be wearing their Greek Mythology garb. We request for Grade 7 learners to carry a plain black T-shirt as we have a special display planned in the Olympic colours for our closing ceremony.
Organiser: Mr R.J Singh
Mandela Day:
With a beautiful assembly in the morning to start our celebration of Mandela Day, Mr N. Govender rendered his amazing singing and guitar prowess with Cindy Lauper’s classic, “True Colours,” Michael Jackson’s… “Heal the World” and then our children jiving to Sarafina’s… “Freedom is Coming Tomorrow.”
Reveling with the intent of helping each other, our learners basked in the glorious sun reading to each other and also picnicking with their teamed-up classes. What an awesome way to celebrate and do good.
Milo Evening:
Our Milo evening has been moved to Thursday, 15 August 2024.
Speech and Drama Festival 2024
The festival for 2024 is scheduled for 16-18 September. Entry forms were sent out last week and educators are currently sourcing poems for those interested in participating in this category. There are various other options available for those who feel poetry is not for them. All payments, of R50 per item, are to be made on the Karri App.
Mr S.P. Crane
With warm regards
Mr N. Boodhoo