Dear Parents
Term 4 Begins:
“Can you believe it!”
Yes! We are already in Term 4 of 2024. I look forward to seeing all our children back at school on Tuesday, 1 October 2024. Please be punctual this term… We find that there are still a few children who arrive late for school. Please note, you cost your child their Diligence reward because of arriving after 7.30 a.m. Children arrive quite flustered to class rushing from the gate and have to catch up with their peers who are calm and settled in already.
Congratulations Mrs Bassanna:
Baby Zion Samuel Bassanna arrived on 20 September 2024, a great addition to the Morningside family. We say, “Congratulations” to Mr and Mrs Bassanna on the beautiful blessing of a safe delivery.
Mrs C. Scrooby will be taking over Mrs Bassanna’s class this term. We look forward to having a good relationship whilst Mrs Scrooby will see through the next 10 weeks in Grade 3BA. Thank you to Miss N. Martin who assisted whilst Mrs Bassanna had to go on early accouchement leave.
Extra Mural Activities:
Please note that Extra-Curricular Activities for Term 4 will begin on Monday, 7 October 2024. Please refer to the updated extra-curricular activities. Please ensure that learners are fetched at the correct time and that suitable arrangements are made. Please inform lift club transport providers if a learner is going to an afternoon activity and needs to be picked up later than the normal time.
Speech and Drama Festival:
Our Speech and Drama Festival entries went beyond 250 learners and we therefore, had to go into the 4th term. Our adjudicator, Mrs Shaylene Miller, former principal of Durban Primary School will be here this week to finish up with the children who were not assessed.
Rest in Peace, Mrs Tunguy Desmarais:
Sadly, our former principal, Marlene Lynette Tunguy-Desmarais was called to rest on 21 September 2024. She will be remembered for her dedication to Morningside Primary, proudly fighting hard against anyone who dared take away from the vision she had for the learners of her school.
“We will miss your treasured visits and the encouragement that you always gave. Lots of love…”
Term 4 Calendar and POA:
The Term 4 of 2024 Calendar has been posted. Please note that all dates are subject to change. All parents will receive a “Programme of Assessment” by the end of this week. If there are questions regarding the timetable, please feel free to contact me via my email address.
With warm regards
Mr N. Boodhoo